Saturday, October 21, 2017

Fairytale Wedding

When people asked me what my wedding theme was I would always hesitate trying to find the most accurate word. I usually ended up telling them the theme was fantasy. I used as many ideas from my favorite movies and books as I could think of. I even asked Austin for some of his favorite but he's not as nerdy as I am. I'm just going to point out some of my favorite touches with pictures from the wedding.

The lobby table at the church.
The top hat with our wedding date written in a Mad Hatter fraction.
The apple is a wink to my maiden name (Appel) but also I bought it because it reminds me of Snow White.
The paper bouquet is made of Harry Potter pages. There is also Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince (because it's purple).
I don't have a picture of our guest book while it's closed but it says "Be Our Guest" (Beauty and the Beast had a big part in decoration inspiration). 
Then I had a pen that looks like a quill to sign the guest book with.

My brother actually is to blame for this one. One day he just blurted out "You guys should have 'I solemnly swear I am up to no good.' in your wedding vows and then whichever one of you dies first the other one should tap their coffin with their wand and say 'Mischief managed.'." This seriously makes me cry every time I think of it. Anyways Austin said we couldn't put it in our vows because not enough people would know it was a Harry Potter quote and would think we were weird. But I did get him to agree to let us sign this piece of paper during the ceremony.

Our invites.

The rings were carried down the aisle in this Harry Potter book box made by my mom.

My shirts from the bachelorette party. We all wore them the morning of while we got hair and makeup done.

My nephews, the ring bearers, were Batman and Robin.

My goddaughter was our flower girl. She threw gold confetti (pixie dust) instead of flowers.

The wands that we had hidden in our bouquets came out so we could jinx the groomsmen.

We made the Unbreakable Vow with the help of one of my maids of honor.

Champagne glasses that say "After all this time" and "Always"

Beauty and the Beast centerpieces. Cogsworth, Lumiere, and a single red rose under a dome on every table. Then pearls draped around to be "extra fancy."

Star Wars is life.

Like I said....

(painted by one of my bridesmaids)

The Beatles had to make an appearance somewhere. Even if it was next to a donut.

Yes I know, we didn't realize we were holding them backwards. But you get the point.

Quote from Peter Pan.

And another....
(painted by my mom)

A Hobbit quote.

Honey sticks aka "Faith, Trust, and Pixie Dust."

This sign was next to the moon bounce. Unfortunately it was raining so I didn't get to jump around but the children all enjoyed it. 

(Painted by my mom)

My parents surprised us the day before the wedding with this...
They are so amazing.
(Reception was held at their home.)

And fireworks... because what love story is complete without fireworks?
(Austin's cousin set them off for us. It was amazing.)

So there you have, Disney fairytales, Harry Potter, The Hobbit (there was a second sign from LOTR not pictured), and Star Wars. This is only a fraction of what was incorporated but only some things can't be photographed. For example, our First Dance was to Lana Del Rey's Once Upon A Dream. Unfortunately I wasn't able to have anything Transformers related but seriously... there is nothing subtle about giant alien robots, although we did invite Shia LaBeouf to the wedding, but he never showed.